I've been reading a few of the latest trade paperbacks recently. First up is Mind Mgmt (no, not a misspelling) from Matt Kindt. A reporter and author, Meru, tries to complete her book on an airline flight where everyone lost their memory.
Although the art work is a little too sketchy for me, the story line is quite good, something along the lines of the TV series Fringe or "Life During Wartime" by Lucius Shepard, with secret organisations and mind control.
Following on from this was The Nowhere Men by Eric Stephenson (writer) and Nate Bellegarde (artist). Science multinational World Corp tries to recover some of it's employees lost during the explosion aboard a space station, while avoiding public exposure and fighting off the attentions of one of it's original founders.
Although the art work is pretty good, this first instalment was a little confused and fractured. Was it a story about the scientists who set up World Corp, or a story about the team aboard the station and what happened to them? It seems like an opportunity squandered at the moment, but, hopefully, it will improve.
The third is Sex Criminals, by Matt Fraction (writer) and Chip Zdarsky (artist). On finding they both have a unique ability, two people decide to use it rob banks, but find they don't have it all their own way...
Quite funny and an original story, the artwork is pleasing to the eye. I don't think it'll get onto TV, though.