Saturday, 26 April 2014

Saturday - The Future of Healthy Longevity

Today, I went to a presentation on longevity, quite a popular subject amongst the London Futurists, second only to the Singularity. It was done in three parts, the first by Phil Micans:

Phil discussed the issue that ran through all the presentations: that absolute longevity (how long you live) is only as important as how healthy you are, otherwise the suffering, and it's associated cost to society, make the extra years pointless. He mentioned various new technologies, especially peptides, which have produced amazing results, including growing back one chap's finger tip:

Next on was Avi Roy, who discussed the possible areas of research and narrowed it down to nine different areas, each area affecting different diseases to a greater or lesser extent:

The effect being that if you address one factor, affecting one type of illness, another illness replaces it. All the nine factors have to be tackled together.

The third speaker was Tuvi Orbach, who discussed the effect of lifestyle on longevity.

He's a bit of an advert for his subject, being 65. Healthy living!

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Dependency Injection with Google Guice

One of the problems that we get in software development, specifically in the design of software classes, is that of the connection between classes. If one class uses another directly, even though it works, this can cause problems later on and is known as "close coupling". Here is a mundane example:

//a really dumb message sending class
public class MessageSender {
    public void sendMessage(String message) {

//another dumb class that uses the message sender
public class MessageUser {
    //a reference to the sender object
    private MessageSender messageSender;
    //the message sender object is created in the constructor
    public MessageUser() {
        this.messageSender = new MessageSender();
    //send the message via the sender
    public void sendMessage(String message) {

//the main class that uses the message classes
public class MessageMain {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        MessageUser messageUser = new MessageUser();
        messageUser.sendMessage("This is a test");

OK, this is really mundane, but can see that MessageUser cannot use any other way of sending messages. If you want to use another means, say email, you'd have to either change what MessageSender does or change MessageUser to use a different class, call it EMailSender. However, we can now use an interface instead of a class:

public interface MessageSender {
    public void sendMessage(String message);

//an implementation of the interface
public class SystemMessageSender implements MessageSender {
    public void sendMessage(String message) {

You still have to change MessageUser, but to use an interface given to, or "injected" into, the MessageUser object via the constructor:

public class MessageUser {
    //a reference to the interface
    private MessageSender messageSender;
    //the interface is sent to the object using the constructor
    public MessageUser(MessageSender messageSender) {
        this.messageSender = messageSender;
    public void sendMessage(String message) {

This works if we then, in the main class, create the object that implements the MessageSender and pass it to, or inject it into, the MessageUser object:

public class MessageMain {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SystemMessageSender messageSender = new SystemMessageSender();
        MessageUser messageUser = new MessageUser(messageSender);
        messageUser.sendMessage("This is a test");

Now if we want to have MessageUser send emails we create a class which also implements the MessageSend interface:

//an implementation of the interface
public class EMailMessageSender implements MessageSender {
    public void sendMessage(String message) {

All that then has to be done is create an object of this class in the main class and then pass it to MessageUser, as before:

        EMailMessageSender messageSender = new EMailMessageSender();
        MessageUser messageUser = new MessageUser(messageSender);
        messageUser.sendMessage("This is a test");

This technique, known as Dependency Injection, is quite an important design pattern and is mandatory in certain frameworks, such as Spring.

Introducing Google Guice

So far, so good, and it's difficult to see how this can be really improved upon. However, Guice (pronounced with a J rather than a G) does for dependency injection what Mockito does for unit testing. To introduce Guice into the above example, we have to create another class, an extension of Guice's AbstractModule class:

public class MessageModule extends AbstractModule {
    protected void configure() {

You can sort-of see what's going on. The module is responsible for creating the class that implements the interface, so whenever the interface is used, the object is bound to it. The magic happens in the Injector, used in the main class:

        Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new MessageModule());
        MessageUser messageUser = injector.getInstance(MessageUser.class);
        messageUser.sendMessage("This is a test");

Notice that the module hasn't been told about MessageUser, so the Injector is figuring out it's dependencies from the constructor of the class, and this also has to change using the @Inject annotation:

    public MessageUser(MessageSender messageSender) {
        this.messageSender = messageSender;

Now all this doesn't seem like a big deal, if anything we've added lines and classes, but if you've got a lot of classes with umpteen dependencies, Guice can save you a lot of work.

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Being (relatively) cheap Tuesday at Empire Cinemas on th' BasVegas Strip, I took advantage and went to see the latest in the Marvel Avengers franchise. Now an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., Steve Rogers, a.k.a. Captain America, is confronted with a conspiracy when Nick Fury is attacked.

There's lots of bangs and crashes and a reasonably decent plot, but is a Superhero movie at heart despite higher ambitions. All the team turn up, so it ends up being an Avengers movie without the Avengers, but the acting is ok, if a little pedestrian (it seems a long time ago since Robert Redford was in All The President's Men) and there's a fair number of cameo's, but it's Samuel Jackson, as Nick Fury, and Chris Evans, as th' Cap', that drive the movie.

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Salute 2014

For a change of pace, I went along to Salute 2014, the South London Warlords exhibition at Excel in the London Docklands.

There was a good turn out, with several different styles; historic, fantasy, science fiction and even horror (i.e. zombies), as well as the usual stalls. This was a large scale miniatures battle of Trebbia (Second Punic War: Hanibal vs. Roman Republic):

There was also a very large simulation of Sword Beach, one of the British D-Day landings:

as well as a Space 1889 attack on a Martian city by British Forces:

I got tempted by the stalls, eventually, and bought some model bases from Micro Arts Studio:


Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Silicon Valley/Beta's - How Not To Run a Start-up

On Boing-Boing, there's a review of a series starting in the 'States called Silicon Valley, a comedy about a programmer who develops a new compression algorithm and, instead of selling out for gazzilions, takes some seed money and tries to run his own start-up. All very Microserf's:

However, this is not the first time programmers have been on the small screen in a comedy. A few months ago, Amazon created Beta's:

I'd normally just cringe and move on (they're not as good as The IT Crowd by the looks of things)

but the other day I expanded my Douglas Coupland collection with jPod and The Gum Thief. jPod was also made into a TV series, sadly unavailable.

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Mockito Spies

That is the collective noun, not the verb, although I suppose Mockito is spying...

Spies are used to make existing classes into Mockito classes. Say your class under test hooks into a Java listener, so you want some kind of dummy listener for it to hook into. You can't do this with Mockito (at least I can't find a way), but you can make your own:

//listener interface
public interface SomethingListener {
    //change that sends the event
    public void somethingChanged(EventObject e);

//our little dummy listener provider
public class DummyListenerProvider {

    private SwitchListener listener;

    //this is used by the class under test
    public void addSwitchListener(SwitchListener listener) {
        this.listener = listener;

    //send event, saying the class is the source
    public void triggerEvent() {
        this.listener.somethingChanged(new EventObject(this));

    //used by the event consumer when the event occurs
    public void switchMeOn(boolean isTrue) {

Cool, but you still want all the nice little trinkets that come with the Mockito objects. This is where spies come in. You just wrapper the class using spy instead of mock:

DummyListenerProvider spyListenerProvider = spy(new DummyListenerProvider());

ClassUnderTest underTest = new ClassUnderTest(spyListenerProvider);



Saturday, 5 April 2014

Mockito - An Elegant Stub for a More Civilised Age

In software development, we make use of something called "stubs". These are bits of code that don't do anything at the moment, but allow us to continue coding elsewhere as if they do, replacing them later. They are also used in testing to substitute for more complex objects, and this is where "mocking" (creating "mock" objects) has been developed in object-oriented programming and test-driven development.

As an extension to the college work I've been doing, I've been looking into using mock libraries for unit testing and I've come across Mockito:

The mock objects it creates are, well, amazing to say the least. Say we've got an interface that, in turn, allows us to create a read I/O stream and a write I/O stream, for networking. The interface would look something like this:

//simple interface wrapper around a network socket
public interface MySocket {
    //creates a read I/O stream
    public BufferedReader getBufferedReader() throws IOException;
    //creates a write I/O stream
    public PrintWriter getPrintWriter() throws IOException;
    //indicates that a connection has been successfully made
    public boolean isConnected();
    //closes the connection
    public void close() throws IOException;

Now I can actually mock this interface with Mockito in the unit test:
import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;
MySocket socket = mock(MySocket.class);
You can now use this mock socket interface in whatever need the interface, so:
SocketThread socketThread = new SocketThread(socket);

Now, unfortunately, the mock doesn't really do anything other than just record what happens to it. Say SocketThread calls socket.close internally when it runs:
//this is in
//if this isn't true, you'll get an exception
Useful, but it becomes a bit more powerful when we add mocks for the input and output streams:
PrintWriter printWriter = mock(PrintWriter.class);
BufferedReader bufferedReader = mock(BufferedReader.class);
You can control exactly what the mock does and when it does it. Very useful for unit testing (and I haven't even begun to use all it's capabilities).

Thursday, 3 April 2014


Through my LoveFilm/Amazon subscription, this is a film starring Denzel Washington about a man facing up to his own frailties and responsibilities.

After saving most of the crew and passengers of his stricken airliner in a miraculous landing, William "Whip" Whitaker has to deal with problems of his own.

With an excellent story, it's a really good film about a man struggling with his demons. Denzel is a strong central lead, as to be expected, and has an excellent supporting cast, including Don Cheadle, Bruce Greenwood and John Goodman, but Kelly Reilly is good as his girlfriend trying to get him to recognise that he has a problem.