Saturday 19 January 2013

Saturday - The Symbiosis Of Man And Machine

Today I attended a lecture given by Peter Cochrane and organised by the London Futurists.

The problems we face are becoming increasingly complex and are outstripping our capabilities to solve them without the aid of machines, specifically computers. As the physical problems have been solved by physical machines (the steam engine, aircraft, etc.), so our mental problems (mathematical, creative, philosophical and even ethical) will be solved, and are being solved, by computers and software. This is a good thing and our attitude needs to change accordingly if the human race is to survive. Peter gave the example of Aaron Swartz, someone who in any other field would be lauded and have roads named after him, but got tangled up in laws designed for the 19th century rather than the 21st.

His talk covered changes in technology that would be most likely to impact on the future and what impact that might be. Specifically, he looked at 3D printing and biology and that AI will soon be available as a cloud service.

Peter Cochrane is a very good speaker and his talk was levened by amusing anecdotes. For example, he once hired a theologist and when H.R. questioned it he said it was for someone to pray for success on the project.

All in all, it was a very good lecture with a lively Q&A afterwards.

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