Monday 17 September 2012

College Monday: Dev C++

Today I started my education in earnest with a class on software development. To teach us this, Bromley has decided to use C, which is the basis of quite a number of development languages. It's a fairly safe bet as C has been around since the early 1970's, taking off with the introduction of Microsoft's Visual C++, which, for a while, was the only way to make serious windows software.

We're using a package called Dev C++, which has an IDE written in (wait for it) Delphi 6. I kid you not. Wherever you go, there you are.

We've yet to get really into it: we've spent the lesson going over data types and functions are next month, so no rush then. I thought I'd show keeness by asking the lecturer if there were any exercises for us to do. He was mildly impressed.


  1. Good stuff! - Keep an eye out for any old Petzold books that turn up in the shop!
