Sunday 16 June 2013

Sunday Games Club - Sheepie Sleepy and Louis' Cards

Back at the Jugged Hare for another Playtest meeting. First was a game from a professional games company, Andrew Sage, called Sheepie Sleepy.

The product manager for the game, Jazz (a woman), was there to field test it. It's quite a nice little game, charming, with little sheep on the dice. The idea is that you try to get a good night's sleep by counting sheep, but there are things to keep you awake, such as coffee and other people snoring. I liked it.

Next was Louis' Cards:

A sort of multi-rule card game (same cards but different rules depending on what kind of game you play). Coraline's a graphic arts student and she was testing her design. The memory game was the best for me, but the other two, a counting game and a reaction-style game, were more popular with the others. The design intrigued one of the players, Andrew, who showed us some of the ones he's had made by a print firm over in the States called Printer Studio. Very professionally done.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the little review of Sheepie Sleepy. Thought you might be interested to know that we now have a Kickstarter campaign going, to try and raise funds to have a run commercially produced. The KS page shows some of the new artwork for the game, videos and of course the all-important pledge rewards!! You can view the page at Any help to spread the word is much appreciated, and obviously if anyone chooses to pledge us some cash that'd be AWESOME!!
